Mastering the Essentials of Subject-Verb Agreement in English

Mastering the Essentials of Subject-Verb Agreement in English

Subject-verb agreement is a cornerstone of sentence construction in English, ensuring that the subject of a sentence and its verb are in harmony in terms of number and person. This fundamental rule of grammar helps maintain clarity and coherence in writing and speech. Understanding and applying subject-verb agreement rules can significantly enhance the quality of communication. Here’s an in-depth look at subject-verb agreement and how to use it effectively.

What is Subject-Verb Agreement?

Subject-verb agreement refers to the grammatical rule that the verb of a sentence must match the subject in number (singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third person). The essence of this rule is to ensure consistency and accuracy in language use.

Basic Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement

  1. Singular subjects require singular verbs, while plural subjects require plural verbs. For instance, “The cat (singular subject) runs (singular verb)” versus “The cats (plural subject) run (plural verb).”
  2. Do not be misled by phrases that come between the subject and the verb. These do not affect agreement. For example, “The basket of apples (singular subject) is (singular verb) on the table,” not “are.”
  3. When subjects are joined by ‘and,’ use a plural verb. For example, “My friend and mentor (plural subject) are (plural verb) visiting today.”
  4. When subjects are joined by ‘or’ or ‘nor,’ the verb agrees with the subject closer to it. For example, “Neither the manager nor the employees (plural subject) want (plural verb) to delay the project.”
  5. Indefinite pronouns such as ‘everyone,’ ‘someone,’ ‘no one,’ are treated as singular and require singular verbs. For example, “Everyone (singular subject) is (singular verb) invited to the meeting.”
  6. Collective nouns (group, jury, team, etc.) may take a singular or plural verb depending on whether the group is acting collectively or as individuals. For example, “The team (singular subject) is (singular verb) winning” versus “The team (plural subject in this context) are (plural verb) arguing among themselves.”

Tips for Mastering Subject-Verb Agreement

  • Identify the subject and verb in each sentence. Understanding the core components of a sentence can help you determine the correct verb form to use.
  • Pay attention to subject-verb agreement in complex sentences. Sentences with multiple clauses or interrupting phrases can make it harder to identify the correct verb form. Always link the verb to its direct subject.
  • Practice with different types of subjects. Regular practice with subjects that are singular, plural, collective, and indefinite pronouns will improve your ability to apply the correct verb forms.
  • Read widely and carefully. Exposure to well-edited texts can help internalize the rules of subject-verb agreement. Paying attention to how professional writers apply these rules can be educational.
  • Use resources for practice and clarification. Grammar books, online resources, and writing centers can provide exercises and explanations to help reinforce your understanding of subject-verb agreement.


Mastering subject-verb agreement is essential for effective communication in English. By following the basic rules and practicing regularly, you can ensure your writing and speech are clear, accurate, and grammatically correct. Remember, proficiency in subject-verb agreement not only enhances your writing skills but also boosts your confidence in using the English language.

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Matt Pierce

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